Seamless Transition of Your Legacy to Loved Ones

Assures a secure place to create/update a ‘Will’. Kin~Will ensures a straightforward transition of all assets, documents and necessary legal formalities for the nominated Hier/s. We believe that our Clients' hard earned assets are a result of the care and concern for their family.

  • Standard self-use format (allows for updation and modification)

  • Personalized ‘Will’ by experts

  • ‘Will’ Registration

  • Transmission of Assets

  • Audio and Video messages for loved ones can be saved

 It can be unsettling to acknowledge our mortality. However, one of the most considerate things you can do for your family is to draft a will. Organizing your affairs will help you avoid stress and support the people and causes you care about.

Working with a Legal Expert could be a smart idea if you have a more complex scenario, such as a sizable estate, challenging family dynamics, or the need to provide for a child with special needs. They can assist you in drafting an estate plan that works best for you and your loved ones.

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Will - Security for Family Future

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Myths & Facts Related To Last Will

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Difference between Testamentary Trust & Private Trust

Quick 'Will' with Kinheritance
Simple 5 step process to create your Written and Audio-Visual 'Will'

Step 1: Register with KINHERITANCE

Step 2: Go to 'My Will' section

Step 3: Select 'Will' template

Step 4: Fill-in your property and beneficiary details

Step 5: Create Audio-Video recording of your Will and Last Wishes

Your 'Will' is ready and you can download it anytime!!!!

Besides, KINHERITANCE also provides expert advise to support you in preparation of your 'Will' and getting it registered with the Sub-Registrar Office.

Make your 'Will' today for better tommorow !!!

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Frequently asked questions

Should everybody – working or non-working person, man or woman make a will? and What if you die without making a Will?

“Where there’s a Will, there’s a way….Where there is no Will, there will probably be family bitterness/family disputes…” If people die without a WILL, then the law will decide to whom the property of the deceased person should go to. Thus, every person whether working or non working , man or women should make a will.

When should people make a will? At what age on an average?

Every adult, no matter what age, should have a Will. Most preferably a person above the age 50 should have a will. And while making a Will a person must be of sound mind.

How do they make this will? Is there a process to making a will? What kind of paper is to be used? What language do they write it in?

No prescribed form for a Will; only needs to be signed and attested • Can be in any language; no technical words need to be used • Two witnesses must attest a Will • In India, Will registration is not compulsory • No stamp duty is required to be paid for executing a Will.

Where should they keep the will when they finish writing it? Should somebody in the family/or friends know where they have kept this paper/will?

Keep the original in a safe place where it may be found easily after your death. Leave a copy with the attorney who wrote it for you or with a copy with your family friend, CA or Advocate.

What is a Will and the benefits of making one

A WILL is a written document in which you provide for:- • Administration of your estate/assets when you die; and • Distribution of your possessions in specific proportions to specific people • Appoint a person or persons of your choice to administer your estate; • Appoint a guardian or guardians for your infant children

Can a will be verbal like told to a person before death, or does it have to be written?

A Will has to be Written but a verbal will is permitted in Defence Personal. However, a verbal will is not valid if you have a valid written will. If you have no written will, a verbal will can be valid with regard to any property you own, except land. Property that can be transferred under a verbal will includes stocks, bonds, cars, jewellery, etc

We see lots of problems in families when the head of a family passes away without leaving a will. Is that true? Would things be easier with 'Will'

If you die without leaving a valid legal Will, you are said to have died 'Intestate'. The law dictates who will inherit your Estate and in what proportions. The law also decides who will have responsibility for administering your Estate (your Personal Representatives). Such an decision may create a disputes and some family hurdles among the family

Should you keep the contents of a will a secret? Or, can they be shared with people?

It is advisable to keep the contents of a will secret. However, it is not necessary to keep it secret, it depend upon person to person and case to case.

Supposing a person makes a will leaving his/her assets and money not to family but to an outsider or perhaps to a charity – is this will to be honored

Yes, basically a Will is a document that states or directs the will of the person, as to whom he/she wants his/her property to be handled after their death. So the person in whose name the assets are transferred can be any person a outsider or even an charitable trust etc.

Wills are often contested by people. Can you enumerate three of the most common grounds on which they are contested?

a) That the person was of not sound mind. b) The Testator lacked testamentary capacity to sign a will. c) The person was unduly influenced into signing a will/ a will is made under pressure. d) The will was procured by fraud. e) The Will is not signed before two witnesses. f) The name of family members is not mentioned in Will.


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